Omega Disaster Preparedness
and Emergency Relief Team
We are excited to announce the formation of the Omega Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Relief Team. This team was formed to provide brothers with the necessary information to be prepared for an impending disaster as well as provide additional information concerning relief following a disaster. We have aligned ourselves with organizations such as the Red Cross, the National Weather Service, Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), and FEMA to provide brothers with the most up to date information to disseminate.
Please contact your State’s Emergency Management Agency via the link below. These agencies work with local, State, Tribal and Federal authorities; private-sector partners; and private nonprofits (PNPs) in order to prepare for, prevent, respond to, recover from and mitigate against future emergencies and disasters.
Covid-19 Resources
- Coronavirus (FEMA)
- Coronavirus (Federal Government Response)
- Coronavirus (CDC)
- Coronavirus (EPA)
- Funeral expense assistance
- Talking with Children About Coronavirus Disease (CDC)
- (CDC)
- Emergency Preparedness & Response (CDC)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Hurricane Resources
- National Weather Service 2020 Hurricane Preparedness Week (NWS)
- Coronavirus (Federal Government Response)
- Ad Council Coronavirus Response Toolkit
- Flood Map Service Center (FEMA)
- (FEMA)
- National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA)
- National Storm Surge Hazard Maps (NOAA)
Flooding Resources
Emergency Alerts
Federal Resources
Other Emergency Resources