The Supreme Council of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

The Supreme Council is the board of directors for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and is the highest governing body outside of the assembly of the Grand Conclave. The board is made up of 24 brothers that are elected into office: 9 Grand Officers (elected during the Conclave), 3 Undergraduate Representatives (elected during the Conclave) and 12 District Representatives (elected during each district conference).

Grand Officers

Ricky L. Lewis

Grand Basileus

Mark E. Jackson

1st Vice Grand Basileus

Ryan Thomas

2nd Vice Grand Basileus

Sherman Charles

Grand Keeper of Records and Seal

Johnnie B. Smith

Grand Keeper of Finance

Clement Osimetha

Grand Counselor

Roi Johnson

Grand Chaplain

Anthony Perkins

Grand Marshal

Dr. David E. Marion

Immediate Past (41st) Grand Basileus

John Faison, Jr.

Undergraduate Representative

C’Jai Payne

Undergraduate Representative

Tyler Span

Undergraduate Representative

District Representatives


Lennitt Bligen

1st District Representative

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Visit Website


Delrecole “Rico” Gales

2nd District Representative

Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Visit Website


Shawn R.Lacey

3rd District Representative

Virginia and Washington, DC. Visit Website


Michael West

4th District Representative

Ohio and West Virginia. Visit Website


Quincy Snider

5th District Representative

Kentucky and Tennessee. Visit Website


Al White

6th District Representative

North Carolina and South Carolina. Visit Website


Christopher A. Brooks

7th District Representative

Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. Visit Website


Dr. Marvin DeJear

8th District Representative

Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota and South Dakota. Visit Website


Harold Bailey

9th District Representative

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. Visit Website


Sean T. Long

10th District Representative

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Visit Website


William Edwards

12th District Representative

Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Visit Website


Tracy D. George

13th District Representative

Bahamas, Canada, Germany, Ghana, Hawaii (United States), Japan, South Korea, US Virgin Islands, United Kingdom. Visit Website

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