From the Desk of Dr. David Marion, 41st Grand Basileus
On August 31, 2020, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s Supreme Council voted and unanimously approved Brother John F. Howard (2003, Upsilon Sigma) to serve as the organization’s next Executive Director. Brother Howard began working for our International Headquarters in September 2010 as the Fraternity’s Finance Director. In 2015, after a very thorough search, Brother Howard was selected to be the Assistant Executive Director under the tutelage of then Executive Director Brother Kenneth Barnes. Effective 9/1/2020, he began leading our International Headquarters.
I’m excited for Brother Howard’s continued success, his institutional knowledge, and the energy he brings to the growth of this organization. I especially value his work ethic, his creativity, his outside-the-box thinking, his attention to detail, and his vision for the operations of Omega.
I would like to personally thank Brother Barnes for much success during his tenure as our Executive Director from 2011-2020 and wish him well in his retirement. His contributions to the organization have been paramount to our sustainability and have increased our brand. He is very much appreciated.
There are a lot of exciting things happening in and around Omega. I thank you for your continued commitment to her cause. May God continue to bless you, your families, your friends, and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.